Tour israel

Israel may not be a place you have on your bucket list to visit. But it should be. Although you might associate this area of the world with some negative things, it is truly modern, beautiful, and historically important. Here, we will talk about the many reasons why you may want to tour Israel. Maybe this article will convince you to contact your local travel agent to book your very .own tour of the place so many refer to as the Holy Land

The Crux of World Religions

The area where Israel is located is important to three of the largest world religions: Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Some tours may focus on one or all three of the holy places for these religions in the area. A few of the more popular religious landmarks are the Western Wall, the Dome of the Rock, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, and the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

 Other popular stops include places like Safed or the Sea of Galilee. No matter what tradition you have ties with, chances are when you tour Israel you will learn more about your own faith than you may have though possible.